Arizona Youth Survey 2006: The Arizona Youth Survey 2006 included the following gambling section to the survey for the first time:
How often during the past 12 months have you
- Gambled at a casino
- Played the lottery or scratch-off tickets
- Bet on team sports
- Played cards for money
- Bet money on horse races
- Played bingo for money or prizes
- Gambled on the Internet
- Bet on dice games such as craps
- Bet on games of personal skill such as pool, darts, or bowling
A. Almost every day; B. Once or twice a week; C. Once or twice a month; D. A few times in the past year; E. Before, but not in the past year; F. Never
2006 State report
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission Youth Gambling Fact Sheet
Arizona 2006 Youth Gambling Profile Report
Other Surveys
A growing number of states are adding gambling questions to similar surveys. Two states that ask the identical question Arizona has added are Delaware and Nebraska.
You can view the results of their surveys by clicking on the links below: